German For Beginners
Published Saturday, January 08, 2005 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
German For Beginners
I just found this site from a link on somebody elses blog. It appears to be called "German For Beginners," but seams to just be a blog which is nothing to do with German. Also, the section titled "What's this all about?" seams to indicate that he's expecting people to arrive via certain interesting search terms.
A look in the source code reveals some entertaining keywords:
"Neil, Armstrong, Amstrong, Design, Stuttgart, no more, smoking is bad, rant, frogs, genetics, freaks, drosophila, animals have no rights, stupid, Euro, 1969, Audi TT, 1972, go away, Neils, adult, video, retard, huge, debt, spƤtzle, Toll, alacrity, knitting, burn in hell"
It's things like this which prove that life REALLY IS worth living afterall.