Photoblog originating from Gloucestershire, England.

My Head Is Spinning

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I feel a bit overwhelmed today, because 3 major things have happened in the last 24 hours...

1) Last night I had dinner at my friend Michelle's house, along with my friend Paul too. They are people I have been friends with for 10 years ever since my first year at college. I hadn't seen them for over year. Now Paul is going back to Japan for 2 years. It's an intense experience, seeing somebody you haven't seen for over a year, having a great evening with them, and then knowing you won't see them again for a long while (added to that is the fact that the reason he was back in this country is because his mum died of Cancer recently). It's got to be done though, if that's his dream.

2) I had my 2nd appointment with my nutritionist today, to review my diet and to talk about treating my high histamine level. She's told me to still keep away from Wheat & Dairy for the time being while we sort out my other issues. She's designed a new supplement programme for me, which includes extra Calcium and Methionine to reduce the histamine (this is something that may become long term) along with a B complex without Folic Acid or B12 (because they increase histamine). She's said to stay on St John's Wort (herbal antidepressant) for a while, at least until my histamine is under control. She says I'm doing very well with my diet (especially with the elimination of wheat & dairy and eating more green veg), but to make absolutely sure I have fish at least 3 times a week and eggs most days.

3) I got offered a job today. After coming back from my nutrition appointment, I had a brief lunch and then went down to Co-op and spent several hours driving the van around, etc. Yes, that's right, I'm going to be delivering shopping to peoples houses. It'll be like being a postman again, except with MUCH better hours (10am start, compared to 5am start when I worked as a postman). I like driving round the Gloucestershire countryside anyway. Now I'm gonna get paid for it. Flick the stereo on, drive around, then drop bags of shopping off at old peoples' houses. Great!


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  • I'm Marcus
  • From Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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