Back in the summer, I got into the habbit of recording from internet radio, and then editing the results and saving the bits I liked. The problem with this, was that I have lots of music that I like but which I don't know the name of.
There is one particularly good piece of music, and I wonder if anybody can shed any light as to who it's by, based on my description of it.
It starts off with a harp melody, and it it is mainly based around a piano/harp melody, with many other sounds mixed into it, some accoustic and some electronic. This is all set to a groovy (but slightly minimalistic) mid tempo electronic beat, along with occasional voice samples. A little girl's voice keep's saying "artificial", whilst a woman's voice says things like "electronic" "incantations", "co-dependency", and (at one point) "audiology". These voices sound American.
The whole thing sounds like somebody has very cleverly sampled classical accoustic instrument performances, and then merged them seamlesly with electronic sounds, textures and samples.
In fact, I have uploaded
the piece, so why not hear it for yourself.
But in terms of raw emotion,
this other piece I recorded off internet radio is really big and emotional sounding. You really will have to hear thsi one for yourself, because there are no samples in it to identify it at all. My only problem with this piece, is that it doesn't really go anywhere, it just keeps going round in thsi big circle of big raw emotional sound.
If anybody knows what either of these pieces music are, I'd be delighted to know.