Live Aid & Ricky Gervais DVDs
Published Sunday, November 21, 2004 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
My Live Aid DVD arrived yesterday. It's great fun to see all those 80s musicians performing nearly 20 years ago. My mum especially liked the bits with Queen and Status Quo. I thought Sting singing the "I want my MTV" part of Money For Nothing with Dire Straits was quite good. U2 were pretty good too.
I also watched my new Ricky Gervais DVD: Live 2 - Politics. On the cover the Observer said, "Excruciatingly, bowel-achingly funny," and they definately weren't wrong! I was watching it in bed really early this morning, and desperately had to struggle not to make too much noise laughing.
I'm gonna keep buying DVDs every week now that I'm regularly earning money again. Why not? Save a bit, spend a bit. If I'm working hard all week, I deserve to treat myself a bit.